Eval Gal is looking for the best of the best! Our tutors are highly qualified by demonstrating experience teaching in their subject fields and holding valid certifications. So why become an Eval Gal Tutor? We offer competitive hourly rates based on those experiences and certifications. Eval Gal Tutors are able to set their own schedule and make money off of their expertise in their spare time. Eval Gal Tutors conduct sessions virtually eliminating the boundaries that come with face-to-face tutoring such as gas expenses, safety concerns, or possibly taking on a “babysitter” role rather than focusing on educational growth. Eval Gal will train each tutor on how to effectively teach using an online platform of video conferencing, online chat, screen sharing functionalities, use of an interactive whiteboard, and even access to Apps and Cloud Services. Let Eval Gal help you become successful by taking the hassle away as we will help you not only connect with students in our network but also provide a way for you to personally market to your own network, ensuring a positive booking and tutoring experience for all. So go ahead and email us today so that we can help you make the extra cash that you deserve.